#Lecture Clews This is a short lecture focused on CLEWS Author: Lorenzo Sani Date: 2020-04-20 --- --- author: Will Usher categories: module exclude: true tags: climate clews title: What is climate? --- # What is climate? - climate is not weather - weather is not climate ??? - Climate is more than the weather - It is about how the weather changes over time --- author: Will Usher categories: module exclude: true tags: energy clews title: What is energy? --- # What is energy? - Energy is power - Energy is invisible --- author: Will Usher categories: module exclude: true tags: land clews title: What is land? --- # What is land? - Last can be flat or bumpy - Land can be boggy or dry --- # Land uses - Land is used for all sort of things ??? Some examples include - growing crops - supporting houses - roads - primary forest - habitat --- author: Will Usher categories: module exclude: true tags: - water - clews title: What is water? --- # What is water? - Water is comprised from the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen - You can drink in water - Water is used for washing ??? # Interaction ideas Ask the students what they like about water # Theory - Water is a liquid --- #End