#Steps for developing a case study
Define the scope of the Study:
policy issues
to be addressed and design the case study accordingly
Map schematically the system:
Identify natural resources, energy carriers and technologies
that are used
and those
that may be used
in the country (build a ‘Reference Energy System’)
Define scenarios:
Identify sets of assumptions and prepare the corresponding scenarios to be analyzed
--- #1. Define the scope of the study
The scope of the study depends on the
energy policy question
that you want to address, e.g.:
What policy interventions are necessary to ensure adequate, reliable, and affordable energy supplies?
What needs to be done and what will be the costs to supply modern energy sources to remote areas?
What if environmental regulations are made more stringent?
What needs to be done to increase the share of renewable technologies?
Should electricity import be allowed?
Should the existing nuclear facilities be closed down?
Can energy conservation program help in reducing cost of energy supply?
--- #2. Map schematically the system
Given the scope of the study, what is it important to analyse?
What technologies could play a role under different demand projections?
Are there sub-national, national or regional dimensions which have to be taken into account?
Are there boundaries and limitations in the energy system?
One or more/all energy forms/fuels?
One part of complete energy chain?
Do not over complicate! Bigger model usually means more problems!
--- #2. Map schematically the system
To model the initial conditions of the system
To identify the existing competitions in the system
You may represent the energy system in an aggregated fashion. E.g.:
Aggregate transmission and distribution networks
Aggregate some facilities with common features: e.g. one technology to represent a set of existing coal-power plants
--- #2. Map schematically the system
Identify any possible alternatives in the supply system that could be introduced to help meet the policy objectives and targets
Identification of new technologies e.g. combined cycle power plant, e.g., concentrated solar power
Identification of new energy supply sources e.g. coal or gas import options
Identification of "future" technologies
--- #2. Map schematically the system
Identify physical / technical constraints in exploitation of each energy source and technology
Identify limits for each source in terms of quantity and time of supply
--- #2. Map schematically the system
Based on the above, design a
System (RES)
RES is a
simplified and aggregated graphical representation
of the real energy system under analysis;
RES covers
not just the present
configuration of the energy system, but also possible development paths;
It shows
all existing and potential new energy supply chains
, from primary energy resources to final demand;
The level of simplification depends on issues to be analysed and data availability;
RES should be a
minimum representation of reality
needed to answer the policy questions to be addressed;
--- #2. Map schematically the system
RES consists of:
Energy Levels
Resources, Primary, Secondary,..., Final,…
(extracted from resources, processed, converted, transmitted, distributed, …)
Energy carriers / commodities
Coal, oil, gas, wood, nuclear fuel, electricity, heat,…
Which extract, process, convert energy from one to another form or to energy service, transmit and distribute
--- #2. Map schematically the system
--- #2. Map schematically the system
--- #3. Define scenarios
Scenario -
not prediction
, but
of possible future development:
Consistent set of assumptions (reflecting policies and constraints)
Expert judgment/informed guesses how the future may evolve (prices, technologies…)
Model results
Set of alternative scenarios:
Provide alternative development paths
Assist in understanding possible future developments of complex systems
Helps identify robust investment choices and policies
--- #3. Define scenarios
Available technologies
Development of technological parameters (e.g., investment costs, unit size, construction time, efficiency, O&M costs, emission factors, limitation etc.)
Trends of resource availability & costs; import and export prices for fuel
Policy constraints (fixed investment plan, environmental regulation, other socio-economic policies)
Based on:
Concrete plans and policies
Expert judgments / informed guesses / experience from historic developments
--- #3. Define scenarios
Examples of scenarios based on
policy constraints
Introducing nuclear beyond 2030
Achieving given share of electricity produced from renewable technologies
Limiting air emissions
Limiting import dependency
--- #General recommendations
Keep focus on objectives (easy to forget)
Consider available human resources and data availability
Define system boundaries and system details accordingly
Keep model as simple as possible
Build gradually
Introduce constraints step by step
Interpret the results
Prepare recommendations
--- #General recommendations
High disaggregation in certain parts of the system can help in analyzing some policy options
The remaining supply system can be aggregated. E.g.:
High disaggregation at the final and useful levels in order to analyze energy conservation programs
High disaggregation at the secondary level to assess the role of different generation options
--- #General recommendations
When preparing your study…
Review existing studies
Review socio-economic development plans
Review sectorial policy/plan documents (coal, oil, gas, and renewables …)
Review studies on resource assessments (e.g., technical potential vs. economic potential)
Review environmental regulations
Collect reliable cost estimates
--- #General recommendations
Prepare summary of the existing energy supply system
Prepare a base scenario
A scenario based on highly likely development path of the energy supply system – often named "Business-as-Usual"
Based on inputs from sub-sectors of energy sector e.g. power sector development plan, gas/oil sector development plan…