Module: Pathfinder_GIS_steps¶
A module that contains the GIS functions for Pathfinder_processing_steps It creates the target files (from un-electrified), creates the weights for road and grid, and identify an origin as close as possible to the center of the cell ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
Module author: Nandi Moksnes <>
This function converts the inputed “file” 0 to 1 in a column called “dijkstra” and saves it to a shapefile. |
This function adds the weight to where the grid (0.01 weight) is located as well as road (0.5 weight) to column weight :param path_grid: :param path: :return: |
This function creates the origin file, which indicates where the network needs to start. |
This function converts the unelectrified raster (containing ones) to a numpy array. |
The weight from road and grid is converted to a numpy array (from raster). |
This function masks the raster data (tif-file) with the GADM Admin 0 boundaries (admin) :param bounds: :param tif_file: :return: tif_file |
This function concatinates the shapefiles which contains the keyword ‘33kV’ and ‘66kV’ :param proj_path: :return: |
This function merge the transmission and roads together into one raster with transmission overriding roads incase overlap. |
This function converts the shapefile that has the ones for targets in the column “dijkstra” to a raster :param file: :param proj_path: :return: |
This function rasterize the shapefiel roads to a raster. |
This function rasterize the merged transmission shapefile. |