Module: Project_GIS¶
A module for projecting and clipping the GIS data to the appropriate EPSG CRS¶
Module author: Nandi Moksnes <>
This function clips the vector data (vectordata) to admin boundaries and save it with the name extension “UMT37S_%s” (outputvector) |
This function masks the raster data (tif-file) with the GADM Admin 0 boundaries (admin) :param admin: :param tif_file: :return: tif_file |
This function concatinates the shapefiles which contains the keyword ‘MiniGrid’ to Concat_Mini-grid_UMT37S.shp” |
This function concatinates the shapefiles which contains the keyword ‘33kV’ and ‘66kV’ to “Concat_MV_lines_UMT37S.shp” |
This function concatinates the shapefiles which contains the keyword ‘132kV’ and ‘220kV’ to “Concat_Transmission_lines_UMT37S.shp” |
This main function reads the GIS-layers in GIS_files_path and separates them by raster and vector data. |
This function projects the raster data (rasterdata) to EPSG:32737 and save it with the name extension “masked_UMT37S_%s” (outputraster) |
This function projects the vector data (vectordata) to EPSG:32737 |